Have you ever walked into a networking event and felt uncomfortable? Worse, unwelcome?
Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon feeling. Fortunately, together, we can easily fix this with Feng Shui!
Feng Shui + Networking
I’ve been an active member of three organizations for 7+ years. Even after all this time, it can still feel intimidating walking into a room of people even when I know them. If it’s the first time I’ve walked in – that can be downright nerve-wracking!
Very soon we will back to most meetings that are IRL (does using this acronym make me hip?) By making a few physical adjustments and using Feng Shui as our guide, networking will be so much easier and even more important, naturally inclusive!
Backs, a Feng Shui No-No
Imagine you walk into a room filled with people and all of their backs are to the door. Literally, all you see are people turned away from you.
Furthermore, most of these people have congregated into smaller circles. Circles or closed groups.
How do you feel?
Like you aren’t part of the clique?
Reluctant to approach and “break” the circle so you can enter?
Do you just want to turn around and leave?
Easy Peasy. Be the Ball
Before you sit down for the meeting, be aware of where and how you are standing as you network.
An easy alternative while chatting away is to face the door and gather in a semi-circle.
If you find yourself in that closed circle? Be the ball. Encourage your fellow networkers to
Take a few steps and spread out
Shift to face the door
Break the circle
Welcome new arrivals into your group
Imagine this simple change. Can you feel how much more inviting it is? New arrivals walk into a naturally welcoming event! Everyone already in attendance can see new arrivals and instinctively pull them into the group. Inclusiveness.
Robyn Stevens Feng Shui
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