Is Feng Shui for me?

"When our spaces are balanced and harmonized, they support our lives. Once we are supported, we fully bloom and the good things we want in life start to flow."

Occasionally when I meet new people and tell them I am a feng shui consultant, I can almost see them rolling their eyes and thinking to themselves, “What a bunch of hooey!” Here’s the thing:  Feng shui happens regardless of what you think about it.  Our spaces—and everything in them—affects us, positively AND negatively. 

Think about your home or your office. What are you surrounding yourself with?  What do your space and the things in it say about you? 

Success!  Love!  Creative!  Fun!  Confident! 
disorganized.  sad.  lonely.  struggling.  tired.    

Now think about your life outside of your space. How do you show up?  Are you kicking butt in your career?  Are you in a loving and committed relationship?  Are you constantly saying YES to all the wonderful opportunities that come your way?  

Or… do you feel like things just don’t go your way?  The partner of your dreams keeps showing up, but then you remove the mask and he is more like the partner of your nightmares!  Opportunities that seem too good to be true are just that. Misfortunes in disguise! 

Or...maybe things are going OK.  Not fabulous.  Not horrible.  But OK.   

So let me ask you. Do you want OK or you do want fabulous? 

Feng Shui is simply about taking control of your environment so that it is in balance and harmony. When our spaces are balanced and harmonized, they support our lives. Once we are supported, we fully bloom and the good things we want in life start to flow.  Abundance.  Happy and healthy relationships. Good health.  All of it.

The final question I leave you with is this: Do you have all the goodies that life has to offer?  No?  Then I’d say, yep.  Feng Shui IS for you.